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Corporate Social Responsibility


Alcogal was present during the MAM “Teachers Supporting Teachers” program, organized by the PRO ED foundation


Alcogal participated in "Teachers Inspiring Teachers", a program of the ProEd foundation that consists of selecting public school teachers to attend dynamic workshops in which, by using the latest trends in technology and education, the teachers learn about the most modern and effective teaching methods to be applied in their classrooms later on. Our contribution consisted of sponsoring a scholarship for a teacher to participate in this program. The official graduation for the program was held on October 24th, 2015. Because of his excellent performance, the teacher that we sponsored was distinguished with the "Teacher who Inspires" award. With our donation, we also contributed to the creation of a “model classroom” at the public school Instituto Nuestra Señora de la Merced, where our teacher works. By supporting Pro Ed’s effort, Alcogal contributed to the broader goals of narrowing Panama’s educational gap and improving students’ preparedness to ensure that they are capable of assuming the challenges that lay ahead for our country.

In January 2016, the CEO of the ProEd foundation, Debbie Psychoyos, distinguished Alcogal by awarding the firm a certificate of appreciation for its support to the "Teachers Inspiring Teachers" program throughout 2015.

Company History

ALEMAN, CORDERO, GALINDO & LEE was established in 1985 and has quickly become one of Panama's leading law firms in the offshore area as well as in banking law and in representing large corporations doing business in the country. The firm's offshore practice is supported by its offices in the Bahamas, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Dubai, Geneva, Hong Kong Continue reading ...

